Mayfair High School is an active community where students develop and grow with the extensive learning opportunities. Parents at times can be busy and often feel overwhelmed or lost on where to find school news. Parents receive many forms of communication to be informed by the school; calls, meetings, letters, newspapers, messages, and emails. These methods of communication can confuse parents and can be inconvenient, but over time through advancements of technology, schools introduce apps that allow parents to receive news through only one app.
Mayfair High has recently begun its transition to “ParentSquare”, a revolutionary communication tool that was launched in 2014. The school’s principal, Sean Diaz, endorses “ParentSquare” as it is pleasing to the eye for parents and separates “Minga”, the student’s form of communication, from “ParentSquare” that is mainly for Parents. The app gives teachers and staff more options to send out news and contact families. Although the app is a confusing transition for some, the shift will benefit the school’s connections and help many manage their notifications for school news.
“ParentSquare '' is different from other communication apps as schools communicate to parental guardians on one app conviently where parents can communicate to teachers through an app with posts, private messaging, and commenting on posts made by the school. By using “ParentSquare”, parents will not need multiple forms of communication to know what's happening at their child’s school. Overall, the app unifies all communication apps in one place between the school and families.
Fun Fact: Parent Square also provides a translation tool that families can use if they’re foreign to English and is inclusive to over 100+ languages! Families who prefer or are more comfortable speaking another language will benefit from the translation service. “ParentSquare” has many factors the school and parents need combined into one, it ensures the privacy of parents and helps communicate to the school about forms, press conferences, and absences that would have been tedious without the app.
Using the app saves time for parents and engages families into their child’s life easier. Parents have more control over preferred ways of being reached. Now busy families can be informed consistently with one app and teachers are able to contact parents efficiently to ensure their child’s sucess!