The Monsoon Theater presents the terrifying yet amusing musical "Little Shop of Horrors." The musical revolves around a struggling florist shop on Skid Row, featuring Seymour (J’He Harrison), a shy and nerdy florist, and his sweet and vulnerable co-worker Audrey (Kylee Thompkins). Unfortunately, Audrey is in an abusive relationship with her psychopathic dentist boyfriend, Orin Scrivello, D.D.S. (Noah Clark). The grumpy owner of the florist shop, Mr. Mushnik (Lily GreenWood), adds to the colorful cast of characters.
When a total eclipse of the sun occurs near a Chinese florist shop, a unique plant known as Audrey II (performed by Gill Friedman and puppeteer Sam Escareno) appears. Seymour purchases this plant for $1.95, setting off a chain of horrifying events on Skid Row.
I was thrilled to watch this musical, eager to witness the talents of the actors and singers. I was thoroughly impressed by every aspect, from the characters and set to the costumes and music. The amount of work and effort put into this production was truly remarkable.
After the show, I spoke with the audience, and they shared my enthusiasm. Many expressed their love for the performance, with one audience member noting their surprise at the high quality of a high school musical. The Grand Premiere left everyone in awe, and there was a palpable sense of anticipation for future productions.
Curiosity about the behind-the-scenes experience and rehearsals led me to inquire further. Despite the challenges of long hours and stress, the cast enjoyed the camaraderie and the opportunity to bring the story to life. Some minor complications occurred during the premiere, such as misplaced props, wardrobe malfunctions, and early curtain openings, but these did not detract from the overall excellence of the performance.
I hope to see the talented cast return for future shows. The director, Mr. Saunders, chose this musical out of love for its unique blend of dark humor. He expressed gratitude to everyone involved, including the actors, singers, supportive parents, teachers, and the tech crew. His choice was well-received, and I wholeheartedly recommend experiencing this outstanding musical and supporting the Monsoon Theater. I eagerly anticipate their future productions.
- Seymour: J’He Harrsion
- Audrey: Kylee Thompkins
- Orin Scrivello, D.D.S.: Noah Clark
- Mr. Mushnik: Lily GreenWood
- Muse 1: Mishal Ysalina
- Muse 2: Julia Nunez Alcaraz
- Director: Mr. Saunders
Image courtesy of Kylee Thompkins