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Writer's pictureValerie Reyes

Dear Class of 2023...

Dear class of 2023, how time passes by. Doesn’t it feel weird? Knowing that the time you thought about is closer than ever? It hadn’t crossed my mind that many of you would be leaving us and getting ready to achieve your career. The stress about applying to jobs, colleges, and universities. I bet it feels scary but exciting–knowing that you all will have closed your chapter here at Mayfair by doing the most you could. To make your family proud…to finally feel proud of all the hard work you put in; to see it all settling in.

I’m only a Junior, and I can only imagine how nerve racking and stressful it could be. Yet I can also see how you all live your final year of high school with joy; taking advantage of every moment you get with your friends. As the saying goes, “You’re only 17/18 once in your life”.

You're getting close to your final game–the final season. Your final exams. Your final field trips. It wasn’t fair enough to the class of 2020, where Covid took their final high school experience, yet they made it work somehow. It wasn’t all too simple for the class of 2021 to graduate, as they were just coming back from virtual classes and having only ⅓ of the seniors on campus with the rest online. And it quite frankly wasn’t too easy for the class of 2022 to graduate as it was the first year where it felt like things were slowly getting back to ‘normal’.

What about your class of 2023? You all went into quarantine when the majority of you were just starting freshman year. Majority of you spent about two years of high school online, and just spent a year and a half so far of being on campus. Finally getting the high school experience that you so long deserved just as any of the previous years.

Live your youth out, have some fun, go get your wins in your final games as seniors in high school. Leave a legacy that no other class can leave behind. We still have a few more months left in this school year: don’t let it get to waste.

Show us Juniors who will soon step into your shoes that all the hard work– the blood, sweat, and tears we shed as the class of 2024 to get recognized now by colleges and universities–show us that it will be worth it. Show us that there’s nothing to fear as we are close to finishing out high school as you, class of 2023, will.

Show the Sophomores who took their big step from being Freshmen into the 10th grade, getting the actual taste of high school, that there’s nothing to worry about as long as they stay true to themselves and work hard.

Show the Freshmen that even if they are newbies in high school, that it’s nothing they've gotta stress out about. Show them that anything is possible if they work hard, use proper examples, and that hanging around genuinely good people will help you thrive in high school.

That even in the hardships that are bound to happen as a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or as a Senior in high school, will all help us become a better person.

Dear class of 2023, show us how to be a Monsoon. Show off to us how proud you are of yourselves. You deserve it. As your time here at Mayfair comes to an end, we hope you remember us Juniors, who stuck close to you in class and at practice. We hope you remember those sophomores that stuck by some of you, who saw you as older siblings, and you of them as younger siblings. And those freshmen, who are beginning their adjustment, realize that whatever you told them, have their reasoning, which they won’t forget.

We hope to make more memories with you class of 2023, before your time…comes to an end.

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