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  • Writer's pictureRobert Foster

The DnD Newest Event

This Thursday on the 18th the DnD Club hosted an event to help increase the club’s membership by showing new people what the club has to offer. During this event there were main activities and, of course, the playing of dungeons and dragons. This event was planned over many months and was helped by many of the club's members. Some of the people who helped this event were Landon Guetzgo, Jocelyn Rizo , Julian Guerrero, and Ary Lopez. 

Some information for the DnD club and Dungeons and Dragons in general is that dungeon and Dragons is a role playing game where a group of people get together and play; in this setting one person (known as the game master) describes what is happening in the game and the other players describe what their specific person is doing. Due to the simple yet open nature of this it has attracted many people to it. The Mayfair’s DnD club hopes to connect these people to a community that is focused on bringing these people together with their love of playing Dungeons and Dragons. 

At the beginning of the actual playing event there was a wheel of DOOM in which it gave 3 separate bosses (2 rounds) to the GM (Game masters) in which the 3 groups of 5-8 started to play and fight these bosses with their creative characters. These were all one shots so it was a 4 hour game with the ending there, luckily all groups were able to survive these bosses and have a great time with the food on the side. The total number of kids in the event was around 20 people.

This was the majority of the event, however, there was another major event. This was a raffle. During the start of the event everyone was given a ticket which would be drawn later in the event for prizes. Around halfway through the event there was a drawing where there were winners who received a multitude of prizes. These included dice, posters and miniatures.

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