Although it’s not usually talked about, tennis is one of the most popular sports in our country. Our team at Mayfair focuses on creating a comforting and inclusive environment. With their tryouts held in the spring, they practice all throughout the summer and work hard on building core skills essential to becoming an amazing tennis player. Coach Tran works hard at building a strong sense of community; he helps you keep up with the practices regularly and teaches you immense patience.
The boy’s team captain is Jacob Arce, who joined 3 years ago and has held his position for 2 years. Growing up, he wasn’t ever really interested in sports and actually only joined tennis because he didn’t want to do P.E. The first time he lost a doubles game, he cried and the feeling of loss helped him become devoted to getting better. He regularly practices from 2:30 pm to 5 pm every other day, but switches to everyday in the spring. Tennis has played a big part in how he conducts himself now, using the lessons of patience and perseverance he learned from the sport in academic environments. The lessons of team building have also contributed to leadership skills he plans to use in the future, as he plans to have a career in management in the future.
Jacob Arce plans to get a bachelor's degree in business management, due to the profitability and broadness of the profession. He plans on going to college in the state, applying to California State Universities such as Cal Poly Pomona and Universities of California such as UC Irvine. He has a passion for community service, reading, philosophy, social sciences, and progressive thinking. He prays everyday for a future where he can live a contemporary adult life without the fear of global heating and human self-destruction. In his words, “Tennis has been paramount to my current successes and passions. Even if you don’t find the same love for the sport as I have, I guarantee there is something to be learned from the community we fostered. Plus, colleges LOVE student athletes, so if you’re in it for college there’s that!”