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Writer's pictureIsabella Delgado

Club Spotlight: Introducing Mayfair Key Club!

With bright green shirts and infectious spirit, Mayfair Key Club lives up to their larger than life reputation. Key Club is an organization that is completely student led and focuses on 3 main areas: Spirit, Service, and Social. With a wide variety of events, there’s something for everyone in this club!

The Key Club here at Mayfair has seen many great leaders come and go, and is currently gaining new members everyday! MKC focuses primarily on service projects and has the occasional social event, normally around a holiday. The board has a way of making everyone feel welcome and has created an environment that acts as a safe space for everyone. They know how to have fun, but can also buckle down and get work done when needed. This has been made apparent through the multiple awards MKC has received, including Club of the Month more times than can be remembered. Mayfair Key Club has proven they are a force to be reckoned with and is only getting better!

Board members currently serving for the ‘23-‘24 term give a look into their reasons for joining the club and their experiences so far. Ally, our historian, says that she works “under very flexible conditions” and also receives “lots of free exploration on the graphics”. She also loves “making eye-catching graphics to inform people about events”. President Bugg explains that “being president of such an amazing club has truly been my pride and joy!”. They do point out that “it gets stressful at times but that’s how I know we’re on track for a great and impactful year!”.

Being in this club for the almost 3 years I have has been one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve ever had. I have met people in this club that have become people I know will be in my life for a very long time. Some of my greatest memories have come from Key Club events and I truly would never trade it for anything. Key Club has given me experiences that I would never have had without it. From simple things like having a movie night to events like participating in the yearly AIDS Walk and meeting one of my childhood crushes. Key Club has helped me in almost every area of my life and I wouldn’t be who I am today without the people and experiences.

Images Courtesy of: 2nd picture taken by Sariah Hill, 3rd picture taken by Jillian Lucero, 5th picture taken by Elizabeth Gilmore

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